I’m Here to Help You

Frequently asked Questions

  • Spiritual direction is the deepening of ones relationship with a divine faith through the companionship of a spiritual director. By the telling of stories, engaging in thought provoking dialogue, meditative silence, contemplative prayer, and open mindedness, a spiritual director works with people to help discover their personal faith and how to best incorporate a relationship with the divine into their lives.

    The Mission of Spiritual Directors International is to ‘cultivate the practices of deep listening and spiritual presence across all faith traditions and spiritual orientations’.

    You can learn more about SDI and Spiritual Direction on their website at https://www.sdicompanions.org/

    In Allison’s words:

    In spiritual direction, my job as a director (or spiritual companion) is to offer hospitality to you. Henri Nowen’s description of hospitality resonates deeply with the work I do for you in session, and my work in the world:

    “Hospitality is not to change people, but to offer them space where change can take place. It is not to bring people over to our side, but to offer freedom not disturbed by dividing lines.”I take my role seriously, in creating the safest and most hospital environment for you to explore your background and support your beliefs about life and spirit, and about what this being human really means.

    I do this by listening deeply to what is stirring for you, and then providing what we sometimes call ‘spiritual acupuncture’ - when a phrase, word, motion or curiosity comes in, my job is to ask more questions in that space, to assist you in going deeper into what’s there.

  • Spiritual direction is for anyone who is in a place of mental stability and maturity. A person who is seeking to understand the mystery of the spirit.

  • During the initial, complimentary session, seekers of spiritual direction will spend time getting acquainted with the spiritual director (also referred to as a spiritual or soul companion). They will discuss how best to define the personalized roles and goals for the journey and whether or not the directee and director are a good fit to begin working together.

    If the directee and director feel they are a good fit and would like to proceed with spiritual direction, sessions typically occur for an hour, once a month.

  • We can meet on Zoom or in person at Anam Cara Therapies in Minneapolis.

    We begin each session in a moment of silence, to land in presence. You then bring whatever is stirring for you, into the conversation.

    You can expect me, as your director, to be mostly in a listening posture - allowing you to explore all that is arising. Throughout the session, I will ask questions that assist you to go deeper and listen more deeply to what you believe to be true.I may offer spiritual practices to support your seeking, if desired.

    At the end of the session, we will close with a poem, a deep breath, a blessing, gratitude, or prayer - whatever feels best to you.


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